Picking A Technology Partner – 5 Pitfalls To Avoid

Great ideas are discovered when two or more strong mindsets come together. Therefore, to survive in this fast-paced business era, you need to onboard new employees to meet your business requirements. Similarly, finding the right technology partner who can take decisions in critical conditions is a necessity. The process of choosing a tech partner may seem critical and painstaking activity but the wrong choice may lead to pouring all your money down the drain.

Teaming up with a brilliant technology partner saves time and helps you in developing an exceptional product that is fulfilling all your requirements and is within budget.
So, with the stakes up high, what are the core factors that you must avoid while picking a technology partner?

• Prioritizing price over quality

One of the biggest mistakes a company makes is to prioritize price over quality. Rather than focusing on the quality of the product, the emphasis is on the price. It is a human behavior that we need quality products at a lesser price, but it only puts the percentage of a high-quality product delivered at stake. The successful search of a cheap technology partner is considered an accomplishment, but it is not. Little savings should never come at the expense of quality. Organizations hire low-cost tech partners to save a little bit of extra money which they think would be useful in other projects without knowing the risks they are getting into.

• Trusting software companies with no prior work experience

Rather than focusing on long-term productivity, most companies tend to concentrate on interim results. Developing and launching a product is not enough for a business to run, providing support to customers and taking actions on the feedback is necessary. While choosing the right technology partner, you must first know the history of their prior work. Choose the one which keeps all the data/processes transparent from day one and provides you with a roadmap. A tech partner who discusses everything up front, in detail and highlights all the main requirements throughout the process is a blessing in disguise.

• Neglecting specifications due to low budget

Business analysis, requirements, determination and planning are often avoided when a company with a low budget hires a technology partner. At the initial stage, the development of software may seem pricey but once the product becomes successful, the future is glistening. Proper initial planning and detailed product descriptions help in the crucial stage of initial development. The technologies that you wish to implement your business idea should be clear after reviewing all the pros and cons of each component. The bottom line is to choose a tech partner who understands your objectives and go through your business idea to understand the business objectives and users. This insight will help in achieving greater viability and product scalability.

• No dedicated teams

While selecting which technology partner to work with, make sure they have a dedicated team to represent a project. Settling without a dedicated team may lead to a lack of expertise in the field. Additionally, while selecting the most efficient and experienced tech partner, you must put forward your demands first and not compromise on them. Reaching out to technology partners having an application developer, quality analysts and testers assures the productivity and quality of the outcome.

To conclude this, a lack of capabilities of a technology partner leads to the nonalignment of product features with users. It may also lead to stretching of work and not be able to meet deadlines. To eliminate these risk factors, define all of your details in the discovery phase before you start spending money on a false lead.

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