by igenesadmin | Apr 1, 2021 | Power Apps
The difference between the education system of the 20th and 21st century is not significant. In fact, a typical classroom is of the same structure. But the presence of a projector and other shapes and animations on the board make education different in the 21st...
by igenesadmin | Mar 12, 2021 | Power Apps
When you think of Artificial Intelligence, what comes to your mind? Most of us end up imagining self-driven cars and robots performing everyday tasks. This might not be entirely wrong but to an extent. The reality is that AI is not just capable of doing such things...
by igenesadmin | Mar 5, 2021 | Power Apps
Around 150 million startups are created every year with unique ideas and ambitions throughout the world. Don’t let yourself be fooled by these massive numbers. No doubt, much work goes into creating a startup. Entrepreneurs toil day and night collaborating with teams...
by igenesadmin | Feb 16, 2021 | Power Apps
No matter how successful you might think your business idea is, you cannot execute it without obtaining proper funding. While people might start their businesses with their own capital or borrowing it from friends or family, there are other options entrepreneurs...
by igenesadmin | Feb 8, 2021 | Power Apps
There are an estimated 12 to 24 million eCommerce sites across the entire internet, with more and more created every day. If these numbers make you think it’s a competitive market — don’t worry. Less than 1 million of these sites sell more than $1,000/year, so there’s...
by igenesadmin | Jan 11, 2021 | Power Apps
2020. What a year this has been! COVID19 pandemic, widening economic inequality, and the climate crisis, just to name a few. While these challenges faced in 2020 are continuing their journey with us in 2021, we have been able to learn from 2020 as to how to go about...